January 19, 2025

Author: Jasca de Abreu

Cheers to 100 years!

This year, St Michael’s celebrated her100th annual Speech Night, an award ceremony that commemorates academic, sporting, and cultural excellence. However, due to the Corona virus, things were a bit different – what was once a Speech Night, became a Speech Day and what once was a cathedral filled to the brim with excited learners and proud parents, became an empty chapel with only one grade of recipients present at a time.

Cheers to 100 years!

This year St Michael’s celebrated their 100th annual Speech Night, an award ceremony that commemorates academic, sporting, and cultural excellence. However, due to the coronavirus, things were a bit different – what was once a Speech Night, became a Speech Day and what once was a cathedral filled to the brim with excited learners and proud parents, became an empty chapel with only one grade of recipients present at a time. Nevertheless, elation bubbled over, and pride filled the room as learners prepared themselves to receive the well-deserved recognition of the hard work that allowed them to produce excellent results in a difficult year.

We are all on the same side

Grade 11 learners and all the St Michael’s teachers were asked to gather for a meeting. Everyone waited in anticipation as Mr Van Wyk took to the microphone.

A Bright Future awaits St Michael’s in 2021

On Friday the Representative Council of Learners (RCL) for 2021 had its first meeting, a meeting that was bubbling with excitement as the proctors waited in anticipation to discuss the bright and beautiful future of St Michael’s.

This too shall pass

2020 is a year that, instead of living up to the expectations of rebirth, new life, or a fresh start, has taken the lives of many and left most wishing to return to just about any time pre-Corona Virus.