January 19, 2025

Category: Camp

Who are you?

The question about their identity presented itself in many of the activities that the Grade 9 ladies took part in. These adventurous activities included hiking, completing an obstacle course and Bible study sessions. The fundamental question for them centered around the point that the young ladies are now at a stage in their lives where they need to start making their own life choices.

Who are you?

The question about their identity presented itself in many of the activities that the Grade 9 ladies took part in. These adventurous activities included hiking, completing an obstacle course and Bible study sessions. The fundamental question for them centred around the point that the young ladies are now at a stage in their lives where they need to start making their own life choices.

Gr 8 camp ‘haunted’!

The infamous ‘Ottergat’ is said to be the scariest event at the Grade 8 camp but, according to the Grade 8 learners, it turned out to be an exciting challenge.

2022 leaders ready for action

ITUMELENG SEMOLI The atmosphere was tense as each grade took turns to listen to the Grade 11 manifestos in the Chapel. The learners in the audience sat expectantly; the only sounds that could be heard were the voice of the speaker and the footsteps as one speaker exited and the next one entered. The speakers were […]

Grade 7 camp drags girls out of their comfort zone

Camp at Moolmanshoek forced the Grade 7 girls to see life a little differently; to have fun while thinking out of the box….or to have fun because of thinking out of the box.

CFG begins the year with a weekend filled with praise and worship

CFG started the year with a praise and worship weekend at Mooigenoeg, accompanied by Mrs Reneé du Toit and their chaplain, Rev. Grant Trewern.

Chapel choir renews commitment

The Chapel Choir started 2020 on a very high note. The King’s Haven Guest House close to Bloemfontein was the ideal backdrop for a welcome repose from school, but also for a renewed commitment to the choir.

Moolmanshoek a life-changing leadership experience

On the weekend after their election the 2020 proctor body, accompanied by Mrs Melanie Schoeman and Mrs Liz Venter, journeyed to Moolmanshoek to absorb much more than just the breathtaking scenery.

Water pistols and speed-dating forge ties

THE 2019 GRADE 8 integration was an experience for which most of the Grade 8s were not prepared. The Grade 8 integration is an essential part of growing up at St Michael’s and the sleepover is an essential part of the integration. THE 2019 GRADE 8 integration was an experience for which most of the Grade 8s were not prepared. The Grade 8 integration is an essential part of growing up at St Michael’s and the sleepover is an essential part of the integration. THE 2019 GRADE 8 integration was an experience for which most of the Grade 8s were not prepared. The Grade 8 integration is an essential part of growing up at St Michael’s and the sleepover is an essential part of the integration. THE 2019 GRADE 8 integration was an experience for which most of the Grade 8s were not prepared. The Grade 8 integration is an essential part of growing up at St Michael’s and the sleepover is an essential part of the integration.

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