October 22, 2024

Popcorn, movie, action…


THE SMELL OF POPCORN was prominent in the air. So was the smell of rain but that did not stop the excitement that was radiated by everyone there. It felt like stepping into a time capsule transporting you back to 1933 right into a retro drive-in movie evening with the big screen placed in the centre of the quad, children running around and people sitting on blankets on the grass.

A new event has been added to the St Michael’s calendar: an open air movie evening. As tradition dictates, a storm arrived the day before the movie evening, but that did not prevent the family of

St Michael’s from supporting the Midmar girls. The open-air movie evening was held to support the thirteen girls and teachers who were going to swim the Midmar Mile the following weekend.

The Incredibles 2 was shown. This movie brought back memories of some people’s childhood and for others it created memories. The storyline picks up from the previous movie, The Incredibles. It follows the life of a seemingly ordinary family who are, in actual fact, superheroes. They have powers ranging from stretching from one end of the room to the other to setting themselves on fire.    ‘It was a great movie. The relaxed atmosphere transported me back to my youth. I was glad to support the movie evening because of the cause. I will definitely come again, but I would have enjoyed it more if the there was more control over the children because at times it was difficult to hear the movie,’ says Mrs Renchia Venter. Old Girl Hannah Sweetlove had to leave early, but said that the time that she could spend there was ‘so much fun’.