January 22, 2025

Author: SeMeSter

Grade 8 sleepover a bonding experience

St Michael’s has always prepared incoming Grade 8s for their high school journey by integrating them over a span of two weeks, including a weekend sleepover which is fascilitated by that year’s matric class, and this year was no different.

The pink-sweet lady leaves St Michael’s

Mrs Rosemary van Niekerk handled the finances at SMS before she recently resigned. She was a warm presence in the office who was legendary for the pink sweets that she dished out to teachers when they felt a bit blue. She was a caring person who showed genuine interest in everyone’s wellbeing.

2020 Founders Day extra special

Founders day was extra special this year, considering that it was one of the very last events the school enjoyed together, before the commencement of the national Corona-virus lockdown.Founders day was extra special this year, considering that it was one of the very last events the school enjoyed together, before the commencement of the national Corona-virus lockdown.Founders day was extra special this year, considering that it was one of the very last events the school enjoyed together, before the commencement of the national Corona-virus lockdown.

We matter, we learn, we love

Black Lives Matter is a movement that has swept its way through the world following the unjust death of George Floyd due to police brutality by the Minneapolis police in America and it swiftly made its way to South Africa and to St Michael’s.Black Lives Matter is a movement that has swept its way through the world following the unjust death of George Floyd due to police brutality by the Minneapolis police in America and it swiftly made its way to South Africa and to St Michael’s.

Lockdown long and tiring

The lockdown period was long, tiring and everyone was unsure about what was happening around them. This pandemic changed our lives forever, with many questions left unanswered: when will school open again; will we be able to visit friends and family soon; will we have to wear masks for ever and will life ever be the same again? The dates on which schools would open again, kept changing. No one was sure and online teaching and learning continued.

Not a single tear shed on first day

The grade ones arrived on their first day, smiling in their new uniforms ready to start “big school” and to test their new playground. 15 Janury was the day the Grade 1 teachers would start molding these…into the leaders of 2031, where they will make the world a better place.

A weekend of teamwork and fun at Grey Bieling hockey tournament

The First Hockey Team beat Framesby High 5 – 0 at the Greg Beling tournament. The festival was held in East London in March. It was the first time a St Michael’s team participated in the tournament, which heightened the excitement about the event.