October 18, 2024

Author: Fumane Masheane

Change takes courage

2022 has been a year of the unexpected, excitement, heartache and, most of all, change. Early April our original Captain, Mr Braam van Wyk, bade us an unexpected farewell and Mrs Imelita van der Berg swiftly took over.

The Met Gala arrives at St Michael’s

At this night of high-end fashion and of dazzling looks, couture was the order of the evening. The Met Gala and all things glamorous, were brought all the way from America to the St Michael’s Matric Farewell.

Abseiling into 2023 brave and inspired

After the exciting announcement of the 2023 leaders and all the celebrations, the real work began at the RCL leadership camp at Moolsmanshoek outdoor centre.

Once an SMS girl, always an SMS girl

Everyone at St Michael’s knows her; everyone loves her and now the time has come for her to leave her Alma Mater.

’Wathint’abafazi, wathint’imbokodo’ is a saying recognised across the country, a chant used to uplift women and remind the country of the importance of women. ‘When you strike a woman, you strike a rock.’ What does this saying really mean? What do we, as a country, understand when we hear the word ‘women’?

2021 was a year of change, but also a year of growth. By now Covid-19 has become a repeated tune, a song we all know far too well. Nevertheless, adjusting to it has been quite a process. Due to Covid-19, 2021 has become a year of adjusting to new daily protocols that have to be followed, schedules that have to be tweaked to become Covid-friendly and fewer sports and cultural events. Even the way we go to Chapel everyday has changed. Our lives have been edited by Covid.

Welcoming the new

FUMANE MASHEANE Normality, shocking surprises and an old energy renewed – these are but a few of the things the first half of 2022 has brought us. With Covid-19 restrictions slowly being lifted this year, the school has regained a familiar feeling. From the buzz on the corridors to the daily chapel services and lively […]

Scientists soar at SMS

The St Michael’s team obtained a third position nationally at the annual science debating competition held by the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA).

Scientists soar at SMS

The St Michael’s team obtained the third position nationally at the annual science debating competition held by the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA).

Scientists soar at SMS

FUMANE MASHEANE The St Michael’s team obtained a third position nationally at the annual science debating competition held by the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA).  The topics, based on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), required out-of-the-box thinking and loads of research.  Ashlee Bell (Grade 11), Boitumelo Mtsatse (Grade 11), Fumane […]