October 22, 2024

CFG sleepover much fun


The Christian fellowship group began the year with a weekend filled with praise and worship and outreach to a children’s home.

This year, the CFG camp was turned into a Friday-night sleepover at school because of COVID 19. The girls were accompanied by Mrs Reneé du Toit.  The fun began almost straight after school when they played team-building games in and around the pool. The girls really enjoyed themselves.

They also brushed up their knowledge of certain characters from the Bile when they had a Bible quiz. One had to draw, describe or imitate a Bible character and the others had to guess who the character was.

At dusk, there was praise and worship in the hall while Mr Du Toit was busy with the braai outside. Before supper, each girl had to draw a question  from a hat and respond to it.  Questions ranged from ‘Who is your favourite actress?’ to ‘Would you give your daughter the Pill to prevent teenage pregnancy?’ A lively discussion ensued.  This developed into a girl talk with Mrs Du Toit around the fire. After supper, the girls watched a movie, ‘Miracles from Heaven’. Most of them were exhausted, so they didn’t get to watch the whole movie. After the movie, everyone had to sleep. There were no problems with or complaints about girls running around and making a noise that night!

On Saturday morning, the girls enjoyed some quiet time with the Lord out in nature. Thereafter, Mrs Du Toit and the girls walked to Mimosa Mall for breakfast at Spur. Everyone was very excited. After breakfast, it was time to go back home after a fun weekend filled with praise and worship.

The Christian Fellowship Group also had an outreach to Die Kinderhuis  in April. They donated food and other essentials to the thirteen girls living in Huis Lentedou. The girls were very grateful. The CFG members got to know them better: they played Thirty Seconds together and prayed together. The CFG members wish to form a relationship with the girls and to grow spiritually with them. 

All SMS girls are welcome to join The Christian Fellowship Group. It is a home cell for girls who would like to grow spiritually, to get to know the Bible better, to get clarity about spiritual issues, to reach out to the needy, or to make Christian friends. ‘And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.’ Hebrews 13:16.

The CFG girls work hard to keep the ping-pong ball in the ‘gutter’. Photo R du Toit
The CFG girls enjoyed a lovely Saturday-morning breakfast together at the Spur Restaurant. Photo R du Toit