January 19, 2025

Sale of work: What’s new?


Sale of Work, started in the early years of the school for the learners to sell their hand-knitted socks and other wares, has become an annual tradition much awaited by everyone. 

This year the school was able to hold the Sale of Work, much to the excitement of the learners. But the lingering question at the back of teachers’ and learners’ minds was: ‘What’s the catch?’ Due to Covid-19, Sale of Work was cancelled in 2020 and not many expected it to be any different in 2021.

Admittedly, the usual grand Sale of Work was less grand and colourful and attended by far fewer people than in previous years. Vendors brought their wares to St Michael’s. The coffee truck, jewellery stand, book stall, pancake truck and fast-food truck were all outsourced to local small-business owners.  Mr Deon and Mrs Lee-Ann Thompson, together with Mrs Dimi Kleovoulo ran a boerewors table and sold the usual raffle tickets. The different grades were given different time slots to attend and outsiders were not invited. 

The coffee truck was one of the most popular stalls and the tuckshop was practically empty.

It would have been far more enjoyable to have the usual buzz, busy hall and quad run by the teachers and learners themselves.  A huge hand must be given to Mrs Thompson for all her effort in making the ‘Covid Sale of Work’ safe and special for the school.