October 22, 2024

Semester welcomes newbies


Yet another Semester workshop was held in Mrs Du Toit’s classroom. Fumane Masheane, the new Editor-in Chief, welcomed the new recruits. A video about interviewing skills was shown to equip the learners  who had just joined the Editorial Team.

After the video, the team discussed the reports that had to be written. Mrs Du Toit added her own two cents on how they could improve their interviewing skills. The team dispersed into groups according to their preferred field of interest, e.g. photography or one of the sections of the paper, such as News, Culture, In-Depth, Social, Staff or Sport and discussed their ideas regarding upcoming events, interviews, articles and the formatting and design of the previous and next Semester. Zoe Coetzee explained and demonstrated how to log into the Semester website and how to publish an article.

After going through past editions of Semester and comparing them to new ones, Mrs Du Toit expressed her intention of handing over the design of the newspaper to learners interested in design. 

After an hour and a half of hard work, the team took a short snack break and helped themselves to cake, grapes, cool drink and chips. Some of the established reporters got some work done while the newbies learned the ropes of interviewing and writing. 

The learners got a glimpse of what it would be like to be part of the Semester Editorial Team.  It was a bonding experience as they had the opportunity to deal with people they have not previously worked with.

They were excited and ready to begin working on the Term 4 Semester. The workshop was concluded with a heart-felt prayer by Mrs Du Toit.