October 22, 2024

Teachers conquer the mountain


On 25 September Junior School teachers, Mrs Willemien Heunis and Mrs Jessica van Biljon, completed the 24-km 4-Peaks Mountain Challenge. 

Don’t let the name fool you, however. There were not only four peaks and the 24 km was not a normal 24-km-race. Two-thirds of the race consisted of climbing up to 2000m.

Both athletes were extremely afraid before the race and doubtful that they would complete it, especially Mrs Heunis whose training was interrupted by Covid-19.

The two St Michael’s teachers shivered at the mere sight of the Witteberg Mountain.
Photo provided

They felt intimidated by the majestic Witteberg Mountains at Moolmanshoek and considered quitting before they had even started. 

Mrs Heunis remembers, ‘The race was extremely tough and I was often so tired I could vomit.’ 

Mrs Van Biljon says that she could not believe the organisers expected of them to climb some of those rocks and cliffs – she cried more than once in sheer despair.

Both teachers are glad they did the race. They will never forget the support of their teammates and they know now that they can do much more than what they thought was possible.

They have inspired many people by showing them that few things are impossible, no matter how hard they seem.

From the left: Mrs Jessica van Biljon and Mrs Willemien Heunis were exhausted but elated after having completed the gruelling 4-Peaks Mountain Challenge. Photo provided