October 22, 2024

The CFG visit Ons Kinderhuis


Can you imagine buying three meals, clothes, and other essential items on a meager budget? Well, this is the sad reality of the thirteen girls at Ons Kinderhuis.

When the Christian Fellowship Group (CFG) visited Ons Kinderhuis they took along a box for each girl with a few toiletry items and snacks. They also took some grocery items. The eight girls present were happy to receive some company and welcomed the CFG warmly. Their faces lit up with joy when they opened their boxes. They were so appreciative of what they had received.

Three of the thirteen girls are in Grade 12; they are hoping to find bursaries that will assist them in furthering their education.

The girls are taken care of by a House Mother who will be retiring soon due to ill health. She has been taking care of children at Ons Kinderhuis for the past two decades. She loves the girls and it breaks her heart that she will soon have to leave them.