October 22, 2024

Grade 7s, meet Moolmanshoek!


THE GRADE 7 learners, along with Mrs Marais and Miss Swanepoel, prepared themselves for the trip to Moolmanshoek Endurance Camp situated in the beautiful Witteberge mountain range. This was early Monday morning on the 7th of March.

After the long drive, the girls were greeted by the camp coordinators and the two most lovable dogs, Cola and Chase. 

The girls jumped right into the fun. They played games that tested their running and dodging skills and games that made them realise that they have a lot in common.

They had very uplifting and encouraging chapel services up in the mountains and a hike up the mountain that challenged them both physically and emotionally, but mostly physically. Fortunately, they forgot the pain they were feeling after a delicious lunch.

Later that Tuesday, they were surprised with a night hike. You can imagine the girls’ reaction to this. But they put on their big-girl-shoes, worked together and survived the night like true heroes. 

They spent the last day doing a challenging high rope course, which was both exciting and horrifying. Even though there were jokes and laughing, there were quite a few girls who were terrified of heights and really thought they wouldn’t be able to do it. Girls encouraged one another and pushed their limits, so that, in the end, everyone was a champion.

They played drums with the most energetic teacher, made stokbroodjies, had an eye-opening discussion with Ma Morena and they finished off with a fun game of hide and seek in the dark. 

Everyone was very sad to go but were looking forward to seeing their parents. After saying their goodbyes, they returned home. 

The girls learnt a lot during their visit. They learnt not to limit themselves and that in life you will slip and fall but there will always be someone to help you up and if you keep going and have faith in yourself, you will make it to the top. They also learnt a lot about God and how to get closer to Him.